Below you will find social media templates and images for COVID-19 messaging. You are able to use the templates as is. Use the orange dots below to navigate through different options. If you would like to add logos and change information and pictures on TAPI’s templates, please follow the link for the template to edit it within Canva. Please email with any questions or concerns.

View Social Media Post Templates

Find more TAPI toolkits here with all our latest updates.

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Toolkits Developed by Partners

Latino engagement toolkit

A toolkit created for nurses.

Toolkits with graphics, videos, and talking points in English and Spanish for under 5.

Toolkits in over 40 languages for factsheets, videos, conversation guides, and more.

Toolkits and resources for employers.

Tools and resources for engagement with parents and children to learn about COVID-19 virus and vaccine.

Toolkits in both English and Spanish with social media and infographics and more discussing COVID and Flu Vaccines.

FDA Approval Digital Toolkit

“Better for It” COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit with flyers, videos, and other information in multiple languages.

MakeSpace has resources such as posters, comics, and stickers as templates to create your own campaigns.

Filipino Version

Filipino Version

Filipino Version

Spanish Version

This toolkit focuses on “Get the Facts” about the COVID-19 Vaccine and offers ready-to-use or customizable templates in 38 languages.

This toolkit focuses on “Get Vaccinated” about the COVID-19 Vaccine and offers ready-to-use or customizable templates in 38 languages.

Photo and Video Assets and Messaging Toolkits for Black Communities.

List of communication resources nation-wide.

This toolkit has social media posts, infographics, and videos available in English and Spanish.

Multilingual resources for information about vaccination card replacements, COVID-19 services with lack of insurance, brochures, FAQs, videos, and more.

Photo and Video Assets and Messaging Toolkits for Latinx Communities.

This toolkit is available in English and Spanish to provide graphics and factsheets about the COVID-19 virus and vaccine.

This toolkit has social media posts, logos, resources, and information on partnering available in English and Spanish.

Video tools, additional resources, and information about testing for Latinx Communities.

Community Engagement information and factsheets in English and Spanish.

Videos, animations, and additional recourses available in English and Spanish.

Toolkits with posters, social media, ads, videos, etc. for different audiences in many different languages.

Toolkits for employers to ensure they are centering equity as they develop COVID-19 policies.

Tools and resources for the COVID-19 virus and all COVID-19 vaccines.

PowerPoint with Myths and Facts about the COVID-19 Vaccines.

Pregnancy & Children COVID-19 Vaccine Brochures in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole.

Toolkits for social media, website, radio, TV, and digital banners with personal stories.

Toolkits to help partners and parents advocate for safer, equitable schools, and separate fact from fiction about COIVD-19 protections.

Photo and Video Assets and Messaging Toolkits

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Stay home if you are sick

Avoid close contact with
sick people and wear a mask

Cover your nose and mouth
when you sneeze

Wash your hands often

Clean and disinfect

Stay up to date on your vaccinations