Welcome to TAPI

In 2002, TAPI began recognizing outstanding practices and clinics that showed leadership and dedication in the field of immunization. The honor is the Dr. Daniel T. Cloud Outstanding Practice Award. This award is available to any nominated practice reaching 90% immunization coverage levels for the children they serve. If you are looking for a doctor for your child, please consider a Cloud Award Winner. You can find a list of providers by clicking on the link below. Thank you.

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Baby’s First Shots

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 Female Dr Are you looking for a health care provider for your child? Consider one of these exceptional practices that focus on educating their patients about the importance of vaccination.
 Mom Child Do you have a story about how vaccines helped protect your family? Or maybe a family member that is immune-compromised and relies on community immunity? Let your pro-vaccine voice be heard.
 family Would you like to help raise awareness in our state? Register today to become an immunization advocate and receive alerts, updates and resources delivered to your inbox.

Stay home if you are sick

Avoid close contact with sick people and wear a mask

Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze

Wash your hands often

Clean and disinfect

Stay up to date on your vaccinations
