TAPI Program Areas & Projects

TAPI supports and advocates for evidence-based public health practices and policies, as well as the promotion of immunizations to prevent diseases for healthier communities. We routinely meet and educate state legislators, and during the legislative session, we host biweekly Advocacy Committee calls to discuss relevant legislation. If you or your organization would like to become involved at the state or local level, visit our Advocacy page and our grassroots advocacy partner, Arizona Families for Vaccines.

Big Shots for Arizona Awards Dinner
Community Awareness

TAPI offers free parent education materials promoting the benefits of vaccines including printed materials (flyers, postcards, buttons, stickers, posters, etc.) for order and delivery and online materials (PDFs and social media files). These materials can be customized to include organizational information or to reflect Arizona communities more accurately. TAPI can also help your agency connect with partners for projects/resources. Order materials or call 602-288-7568 for more information.
10 Things Parents Need to Know about Why We Immunize
“10 Things Parents Need to Know about Why We Immunize” is a 1.5-hour training that introduces parents and trainers to 10 science-centered, evidence-based concepts about why parents should vaccinate their children. It answers common questions and misconceptions surrounding vaccines and helps people distinguish facts from myths. Participants will also be provided credible vaccine resources online for parents. We offer CEUs for medical assistants, registered nurses, social workers, and certified health education specialists (CHES).
Training on Immunization Practice Strategies (TIPS)
TAPI, in collaboration with the Arizona Department of Health Services Immunization Program, presents free training that improves immunization practices in public and private providers’ offices. Participants receive valuable information on immunization friendly office practices, vaccine handling, state requirements, how to give shots, and the state immunization registry. For more information or to see the schedule, visit our Provider Page or call 602-288-7568 for more information.

Medical Billing and Reimbursement Program
TAPI has a statewide billing program that assists county health departments and other public-sector programs in obtaining reimbursement from insurance companies for services provided to insured clients. The aim of this billing program is to help sustain safety-net services. Contat us at 602-288-7568 with any questions.