Vaccines for Children
Where can you go to get your child’s immunizations?
This is a common question we hear in the community. Based on your child’s healthcare insurance, make the best choice for him or her.
- Your healthcare provider. Many even offer free vaccines for eligible children!
- Community Health Center (accepts insurance and sliding scale)
- Walk-In Immunization Clinic (see below for links to statewide resources)
- Local Pharmacy (based on a doctor’s referral for certain vaccines)
- Pediatrix has offices in the Phoenix area and takes all Medicaid plans and has evening/weekend hours (ask about getting vaccines for uninsured kids).
If your child is without insurance or the insurance does not cover vaccines, there are free clinics statewide where your child can receive immunizations. Also, find about insurance options and sliding fee scale clinics.
- Arizona Statewide Clinic Resources – For a list of statewide immunization clinics from the Arizona 211 directory list, click here.
- Maricopa County Immunization Clinics – Click here for a list of immunization clinics specific to Maricopa County.
- Dignity Health – Chandler Regional’s Community Outreach Immunization Program – Click here for a list of clinic dates and times.
- City of Phoenix Fire Department Baby Shots/Vaccinations Program – For a list of immunizations offered and more details about where clinics are located around the Valley, click here.
- Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers
- Cover AZ Kids
Vaccines for Adults
1. Primary Care Provider
Are you looking for a particular vaccine? Call and ask the questions below. Also, ask if you are up to date on your immunizations during each yearly physical.
- Does your provider carry the vaccine?
- If not, can your provider order the vaccine?
- Can a script be written so you can get it at a pharmacy?
- Is the vaccine covered by insurance?
2. Community Health Centers
Community Health Centers accept most insurance and offer the uninsured a sliding scale for services provided. Adults can receive immunizations and general medical treatment. Click here for a list of Community Health Centers.
3. Walk-In Care Clinics
Vaccines are available at most locations, which are open 7 days a week and accept insurance. It’s suggested you call before visiting the clinic and consider the following questions:
- Is your vaccine covered by insurance?
- Do they carry the vaccine you need?
4. Immunization Clinic
Clinics are held statewide in various locations. Click here for a list of statewide locations, or click or call the following resources.
- Healthwaves Corporate Wellness — or 480-968-1886
- Passport Health — 480-345-6800
5. Your Local Pharmacy
Many pharmacies now administer vaccines, like the flu and Tdap, to adults and many vaccinate kids over the age of 6. Consider the following questions before going to the local pharmacy:
- Does your pharmacy give the vaccine you need?
- If you have insurance, does your insurance cover a vaccine administered specifically at a pharmacy?
- Does your insurance cover the cost of the vaccine?
- If you are uninsured, how much does the vaccine cost?
Vaccinate and Protect the WHOLE Family!
Spaying and neutering are the most effective ways to keep your pet healthy while helping tackle pet overpopulation in our community. Fix Adopt Save (FAS) offers affordable and accessible spay/neuter programs, services, and events monthly.
Every animal deserves a good home and FAS. is educating the public on the benefits of adopting a rescue (or shelter) pet.
FAS. encourages responsible pet ownership and provides resources to pet owners in need. Visit for more information.
If you need additional help, please visit TAPI’s Contact Us page.