What does my religion say about vaccines?
This question may seem strange, but many people are unsure what their religion says about vaccines and staying up to date on vaccinations. Misinformation is on the news and posted on social media and it is hard to know what are science based facts and what are not. This also can leave legislators, who support the freedom of religion, conflicted between protecting public health and allowing a diversity of religious beliefs.
This page includes information and links below about the statements and perspectives of different religious organizations regarding vaccines. We try to rely on the websites run by religious organizations themselves whenever possible, but we link to news coverage when that isn’t possible. We hope this information will provide you facts from your religion and help you honor your faith when it comes to vaccine desicions.

Remember, if you have questions about your religion and vaccines, talk to your religious leaders directly.
What are the actual facts?
There are no major world religions that forbid vaccination. Most religious faiths want their followers to live healthily and know that vaccines are key to healthy children and thriving communities. While there are a few religions with ideas about medicine outside the mainstream, most allow their adherents to make individual decisions about medical care and vaccination.
Statements religious organizations have made regarding the importance of vaccines and vaccination:

The Seventh Day Adventists state that they “encourage responsible immunization/vaccination, and have no religious or faith-based reason not to encourage [their] adherents” to get vaccinated.

Hindus have raised no objections to vaccines in India and have high rates of immunizations. India has the Universal Immunisation Programme, which is a vaccine-delivery platform for children and pregnant women, funded by the central government and implemented by state governments.
A Hindu perspective on COVID-19 vaccination.

Most major Christian churches have actively pushed against vaccination being used as a justification for religious exemptions in the United States and have discussed the benefits of vaccination.

While Catholic leadership may wish that there were not any cell lines used in the production of vaccines, they recognize that there is not an alternative at this time and the vaccine should be given to prevent further loss of life or risk to a child. Catholic schools have also begun rejecting admission for nonvaccinated students.
Local Catholic Diocese and broader Catholic information on COVID-19.

There is nothing in the teachings of the Buddha that mentions vaccines or vaccination. Followers belonging to many branches of Buddhism vaccinate themselves and their children. The Dali Lama himself launched a polio vaccine drive in 2010 and has urged others to get the COVID-19 vaccine after getting his shot!

Christian Science denomination has “counseled respect for public health” and does not impose any decisions by the church. Christian Science states that its “church members are free to make their own choices on all life-decisions…including whether or not to vaccinate their children.”

The Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences held a conference to discuss whether or not specific medical treatments should be considered acceptable under Islamic law. They have determined that when something unclean is used to make a medicine, that thing is “fundamentally transformed” and not unclean to use.
Vaccination for COVID-19 was also concluded as permissible under Sharia Law. Islamic Imams encouraging COVID-19 vaccines in their communities.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said way back in 1978 that members of the church should vaccinate their children, and still make it a priority today!
Leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints were vaccinated for COVID-19 at the first opportunity, and the church has used humanitarian funds to help worldwide vaccination efforts.

Jews may have many different interpretations of their religion and varying levels of orthodoxy. However, a variety of Jewish religious leaders have urged fellow Jews to vaccinate their children. Many Jewish people have also helped in the development and distribution of vaccines. Read this from Rabbi Hershy Z. Ten.
Orthodox Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld participated in the Moderna Trial and shared his experience.

Japanese religion has “acknowledged modern biomedicine” since 1868 and has accepted vaccination.

Jainism does not have any books exploring its philosophy about Western medical bioethics; there were many key religious members in “early governmental policy committees that issued federal reports and guidelines.”

Sikhism texts and doctrine contain no teachings in opposition to immunization. Sikh children are 14% more likely to be vaccinated than other religious groups in India.

The Episcopal Church reaffirmed last year that it is very pro-vaccine and asked no one to use the church as the basis of a religious exemption.

Evangelicals have different perspectives on vaccination, but many discuss seeking the “common good” from a Christian perspective on immunization to prevent harm to children by not getting vaccinated.