The Arizona Partnership for Immunization (TAPI) is comprised of a variety of community partners. Our coalition includes healthcare and public health professionals, community leaders, parents, businesses, and other individuals who are interested in improving vaccination rates in Arizona.
The TAPI partnership started in 1993 and was formed to support system-level efforts to improve immunization coverage rates in Arizona, with a focus on increasing access to vaccines and related care for underserved populations.

Over 500 dedicated organizations and countless clinic staff come together to advance statewide immunization efforts, to share innovative ideas and best practices, and provide equitable resources to our diverse communities so that people in Arizona can learn about and find the vaccines they need.

Our Partners
- Public Sector
- Arizona Department of Health Services
- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
- Community Health Centers
- County Health Departments
- Municipal Fire Departments
- Medicaid Managed Care Organizations
- Schools and Childcare Programs
- Private Sector
- Commercial Managed Care Organizations
- Corporations
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
- Private Foundations
- Nonprofit Sector
- American Academy of Pediatrics (Arizona Chapter)
- American Association of Family Physicians (Arizona Chapter)
- Arizona Medical Association
- Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association
- Children’s Advocacy Groups
- Professional Organizations